Accepting online payments

Thursday, August 21, 2008

The Cost of Not Having Money

The self-esteem factor of not having adequate money is underestimated. You cognize what I intend don’t you? The torment of financially struggling and the rapture of financial copiousness are dramatically different minutes in a person’s life. And I for one would take the copiousness over the struggling any day.

A peculiar emotional challenge structured settlement and rente receivers confront is the quandary of having money but not having access to it. You have got money coming to you but it is out of reach. The irritation of such as a state of affairs would be exacerbated by a time period of financial stress. Imagine if you were going to lose your home, and you have got $300,000 approaching to you over the adjacent 20 years, but you can’t access that future money to ran into your contiguous needs.

Financial emphasis can be the accelerator of a downward spiral. Depression, addiction, isolation, are just a few of the violent storms spawned by the weight of financial burden. Instead of being dragged down, happen help, happen an reply to your money concerns, happen a manner to get out from under the weight of money worry. Professional counseling in both the mental wellness and financial strategies countries of your life could get you on the healthy and happy track.

If necessary, there are ways to cash out rentes and cash in on future payments. There are settlement companies that have got the agency and legal experience to accelerate your payout for a lump sum of money of cash now. Exercise cautiousness and seek legal and financial advice when dealing with these 3rd political party settlement companies. The cost of getting an advance on future payments can be exorbitant. But the emotional cost of not getting aid when you are struggling financially can be even more than costly.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The Key to Building Wealth

Many people today believe in order to become wealthy they either have to be born into wealth or have a lot of money to make money. The fact is this just isn’t true. Building wealth is a mechanical process and because it’s so simple it’s quite boring, therefore many people do not follow through with the formula.

The Problem

Too many people fall into a financial rut and it usually starts when we begin moving money from one credit card to another. Sure this works for a short while, but eventually it catches up with you and before you know it you have $5000 maxed out on your VISA card and $3000 maxed out on your Discover card.

The next genius move I consider was debt consolidation. While this does work and the phone calls will stop, it’s not a solution for the problem at hand. Your monthly payments become lower and this provides the temptation to go out and accumulate even more debt, eventually taking you back to square one. Not to mention having a history with debt consolidation leads to higher rates on things that count later in life.

Back at square one, the next step I considered was debt counseling and the idea sounded great, they even promised to lower my monthly payments by $300. I managed to avoid this one all together and now that I look back I am glad that I did. What I later found out is that debt counseling is viewed as bankruptcy.

By this time I decided to refinance my home with an equity line/2nd Mortgage loan on my home to get out of debt and it worked perfectly. However, let me tell you a little secret. When you take out a 120k loan on a home that is only worth 90k and the neighborhood starts going downhill like ours did, you cannot sell your home for what its worth. Again, we were stuck in rut where we had to borrow money from family to sell our home. Other home owners in the area were not as fortunate.

At this point in time I was seriously considering bankruptcy. If you think that after seven years nobody will know about your bankruptcy, you are mistaken. In some cases jobs won’t even higher you if you ever had a bankruptcy. Most loan applications ask if you have ever filed for bankruptcy and they do take that into account even if it has been 10 years since you filed for bankruptcy. This is when I became desperate and finally cracked the money making formula.

The Solution

In 2005 I made a new years resolution to stop spending money on things that required me to make a monthly payment. Instead, I would take my paycheck and spend it on assets, or things that put money into my pocket month after month. I like to call these assets investment vehicles. It does not matter which types of investments you choose, just as long as they are all leading to the same place financially.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Self-Employment-Managing Your Money: Tips for Living with a Fluctuating Cash Flow (Part Two)

Continued from Part One:

Self-Employment-Managing your Money ...
The manner you manage your money is one of the first things you'll change when you travel from employment to self-employment.

You are moving from an environment where you received income in equal amounts at set time intervals to one where your income fluctuates.

Managing money in such as fortune is both unfamiliar and uncomfortable for most of us.

These are some tips I developed from my experience of 10+ old age of self-employment.


Enter the land of self-employment and you come in the land of quarterly estimated taxes.

You pay estimated income taxes because the Government states you must. Since you no longer have got got an employer to keep back income taxes, the tax government desire to make certain that you pay up.

One manner to do certain you have money in-hand astatine the appointed clip is to mime what your employer used to do for you. Take a part of money you have and set it away. My solution is to set it into a separate nest egg account.

By keeping the money separate, you are less tempted to pass it. Then at tax, time, simply transfer it into your checking account and compose the check.

It is less painful this way.

Having a method to manage tax payments is most of import around April 15 when annual taxes from the former twelvemonth and first one-fourth estimations for the new twelvemonth come up owed on the same day.


Banks charge interest when they impart money. Very small businesses and self-employed people

generally don’t. And if they do, they rarely collect. It is hard to put down the law to slow-pay clients much larger than you and clients who give you a batch of business.

In fact some businesses do it a policy to pay their creditors slowly. They utilize your money, interest free, at your expense.

Slow-pay and no-pay clients cost you money and messiness up your cash flow.

The topic of aggregations is worthy of a separate article – Oregon book, in itself. But here are a couple of pointers.

Ask to be paid up presence when possible. It’s done all of the time. Contractors get sedimentations and lawyers get retainers.

One piece of conventional wisdom is to have got a policy to manage late payments. Set up a system to journal your outstanding invoices. Then follow up at scheduled time intervals as needed. Keep a paper trail in lawsuit you have got to take things further.

Stay on top of delinquent Billings and maintain lines of communicating unfastened with the client. The longer a debt stays outstanding, the less likely you’ll get paid.

The squeaky wheel gets the grease. Be squeaky.


Credit card debt can be a killer. Calling the interest rate degrees charged on many cards ‘usury’ is not an overstatement. If you have got credit card debt, wage it off as quickly as possible.

Nonetheless, credit cards are a necessity in this twenty-four hours and age. When you are on the right side of the credit card companies, credit cards can be a benefit.

You can track disbursals by putting it on your card. That tin be a existent aid when you have got a batch of junior-grade tax deductible disbursals that add up over the course of study of a year.

If you utilize your card for this purpose, be certain you pay off your balance every month.


For self-employed people, having a financial shock absorber is essential. It is a lifesaver when unexpected disbursals come up up, or expected income is slow to materialize. In addition, you may desire to sock away finances for expected large disbursals such as as estimated tax payments.

If you can’t swing it in the beginning, construct your shock absorber gradually. Put away money when modern times are good. Live lightly when modern times are not.

You‘ll happen managing your money while being self-employed will get easier over time. You will get to cognize your cash flow patterns and set accordingly. As your business turns it will convey in more than than money, which itself, makes a batch to do you more comfortable.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Investing Online Has Its Rewards: Find Out How To Take Advantage Of Them

Computerized investing. Online investing. Rich Person you taken the adjacent measure yet? These old age among savvy investors, online investing resources are synonymous with opportunity.

The capablenesses that we currently have got at our fingertips were unavailable just 10 years ago. The velocity at which you can put with an online broker, along with easiness of usage (you can merchandise in your underwear), do traditional local brokers look obsolete.

More and more than people are taking to “active investing” rather than just sticking money in common finances recommended by their advisors. This agency atypical investors are now taking active functions in their portfolios and seeing greater returns, if they cognize what they are doing.

In order to go an active investor, you must cognize what you are doing. It is your money we are talking about here. The thing is, once you cognize that there are ways to nett up to 18%+ go backs on investings that are hardly more than risky than what most people see safe today (mutual funds, diversification), you can hardly dwell with yourself by leaving your money in a “safe” 4% fund.

I work with people to change their percepts about what is possible with investment today. The tools available online for investors are simply unbelievable when you believe about the fact that investing intelligence and the up-to-the-minute tendencies would have got to wait to attain you until they were printed and flown to whatever portion of the country you dwell in.

Now you can track and trade and get your intelligence up to the minute with online investment resources, many of which are free to use. This is turning former passive voice bargainers into active bargainers over night.

There are dangers though, and they all have got to make with education. Lack of experience can get you into a whole batch of problems, putting your money and retirement at risk.

But a relatively small spot of instruction can take you set you never thought possible financially.

So if you are ready to open up those doors and get out of the 2%-4% stagnation you need two things:

1)The instruction to go a good active investor

2)The right tools to do your occupation easy and fun, with as small as 2 hours per hebdomad investing

I have got put together a free resource for people wanting to learn more than about the tools of online investors. Http:// will get you started.

But you will also need instruction to protect you from the errors that a batch of first-time active investors make. And for that education, you can check out my book called “Scientific Wealth Strategies.”

I warrant that once you get started with active investment and you begin to see tax returns over 10%, you are going to get aquiline like so many others who have got go active traders.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Residual Income - Part Three Finding Leaders

In my last article on Creating Residual Income I mentioned that employees are a pain.

That wasn't completely accurate. To be more accurate I should have said, "MOST employees are a pain."

In addition to the "regular" problems of payroll, sick time, legal issues, etc., there is the bigger issue that EMPLOYEES ARE LOOKING OUT FOR THEMSELVES, NOT FOR YOU.

Which means they need constant supervision and encouragement to make you the largest amount of money possible. It's just the way it is.

But there is a better way...

I went to college selling vacuum cleaners door-to-door. Yup, door-to-door. I didn't do it because I always enjoyed it-- sometimes it was raining or cold or BOTH--I did it because of this wonderful little thing called COMMISSION.

Every time I sold a vacuum cleaner I got paid $120. Not bad for a college student in 1982. Most weeks I sold 2, some weeks 3. Part-time, maybe 20 hours a week.

I knew I had the skills, and I was motivated by the money. No one had to tell me to work. No one had to tell me to not spend my day sitting in a coffee shop. The only way I made money was to sell, so that's what I did.

What would it mean to your online business if you had super motivated people selling your products or services? People who ALREADY KNEW how to sell? People who ALREADY had built a loyal following of visitors and subscribers?

Let me tell you: Just one of those people will sell more products for you than 100 "regular" people. And they will do it with half the time commitment on your part.

In the online business we call them SUPER AFFILIATES.

Recruit enough of these SUPER AFFILIATES and you can retire.

But what if you don't have your own product or service to sell?

This can be even easier...but I will save that for my next article.

In the mean time I have put together a page with four tools anyone can use to find these PRICELESS individuals. One of them is so OBVIOUS you will be amazed you didn't think of it of the others is so POWERFUL I was able to identify 127 super affiliates for my own site in just 10 minutes.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

A Look at the Origins of Online Lending

You might happen yourself wondering about the beginnings of online lending, and how it have got go the major industry that it have evolved into during recent years.

The beginnings of online lending have evolved from criterion lending patterns combined with the increased easiness and convenience of using the internet for a assortment of purposes.

Before you can really understand the beginnings of online lending, though, you need to take a few minutes to understand the standard banking patterns that it evolved from and how internet connectivity have helped lending to turn from banks and finance companies to online services that allow you to research and apply for loans in the convenience of your ain home.

Lending before the internet

The beginnings of online lending get before the word “online” had much of a significance at all. Before the coming of the internet, and before the “personal computer” was even really conceived, personal banking and lending was much different than it is today.

Loan applications would take respective years or hebdomads to be considered, and respective banks in an country might share one or two loan officers who had to travel from bank to bank… significance that there were only certain years on which you could apply for the loan that you desired.

Keeping path of loan payments could also be a hassle, and errors weren't uncommon and often resulted in either overpayment or late fees.

Computers improving communicating between banks

Once personal computer science became a reality, the beginnings of online lending truly begin. It didn't take long for banks to recognize that these computing machine science machines could be set to utilize making both banking and recordkeeping much easier… bank systems could link via modem and telnet in order to share information, and the records of account holders and borrowers could be accessed much more than than quickly from a computing machine database.

Of course, early computing was quite simple by today's standards, and errors did happen… but the convenience of the computer systems and the gradual addition in their dependability often made up for the drawbacks and enabled banks to increase both productiveness and the easiness of the lending process.

Internet banking

Following the beginnings of online lending, simple webs such as as those that banks and other businesses used to link with each other eventually gave birth to the human race broad web of the internet.

As websites for merchandises and businesses became more common, banks slowly but surely began to publicize their services and characteristics via some of these websites.

As internet engineerings increased, many of these banks began offering fundamental account access and other services via their websites so as to remain ahead of their competition… frankincense was born internet banking.

As engineering continued to grow, so did the services offered by banks online; full account access, banking inquiries, and loan applications all developed as the ability to implement them was created.

Online lending

From the low beginnings of online lending grew a huge worldwide industry. Lending companies developed that were completely separate from criterion banks… with the lower operating expense of operating a website when compared to that of running a bank, they are often able to offer competitory if not lower interest rates and can process loan applications and transfer finances faster than many standard banks and finance companies.

Of course, even with the current convenience of online lending services the hereafter may throw further comforts and services as internet and computer science engineerings go on to develop and evolve… significance that online lending will most likely go on to turn in popularity and will be able to offer more than than and more services to clients at competitory rates and sensible terms.

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About The Author

Friday, August 08, 2008

A Guide to Cheap Loans Online

Looking for cheap loans online can sometimes be a taxing process… between not knowing exactly where to look and wondering what's required in order to get cheap loans online, you might happen yourself wondering if you're not better off taking a higher interest rate at a traditional bank or finance company.

You shouldn't allow the emphasis of determination cheap loans online get you down, though… it's actually a much more than simple procedure than you think. All that it takes is a small spot of clip dedicated to researching online lending and determination the right lender with which to apply for cheap loans online.

Finding the Right Lender

To get your search for cheap loans online, you should execute an internet search to happen lenders that offer the type of loan that you're seeking.

You might happen a assortment of lenders who can provide to your specific loan need, or you might not happen any… if that's the case, then your best stake is to either widen your search or contact assorted online lenders individually to see which of their cheap loans online would best lawsuit your loan needs.

Taking the clip to happen different lending options can assist you to avoid the lender you take not offering a loan that rans into your specific needs.

Securing the Loan

Once you've establish a few land sites that offer cheap loans online, you need to get thought about collateral that volition secure the loan and warrant repayment for the online lender.

Some online lenders will allow a large assortment of collateral options, whereas others offer loans for specific points (such as automobiles) and the purchased point itself moves as collateral.

Many online lenders offer their loans using home equity as collateral; not only is it easy to work with and get the value of, but equity can often be dealt with as paperwork and electronic transmissions without the need of appraising the collateral.

Loan Repayment

Once you've chosen from the available cheap loans online, some concern must be taken toward repaying the loan.

Online lenders will take your employment and pay rate into account before they issue the loan, and you need to do certain that your payments are made on clip to avoid the hazard of repossession of your collateral.

If you manage your finances and disbursement and take care to do payments on time, though, there is never any danger… and with the direct backdown options that many online lenders utilize, there isn't much of a danger so long as you do certain to lodge the loan amount into your chequing or nest egg account before the scheduled backdown day of the calendar month each month.

You may freely reissue this article provided the following author's life (including the unrecorded uniform resource locator link) stays intact:

About The Author

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Online Investing - The Road to a Fortune or to Ruin?

Online investing is becoming more than than and more popular with each passing play day, but is this really the manner to do your luck and should you hotfoot to fall in this online investment crowd?

Investing in individual company pillory and in shared investments, such as as common funds, is a common pattern around the human race and, in recent years, a huge number of small private investors have got joined the investment bandwagon. It is not surprising therefore that many of these private investors are now moving away from the traditional brokerage houses and are turning to the internet to manage and turn their portfolios. But is this haste towards the internet a wise move?

Let's analyze some commonly expressed ideas by those turning to online investing.

First, there are those who state that they are going to do a violent death online.

As with most things in life, online investment can do you a fortune, but it can also ensue in you losing your shirt. Indeed, surveys have got shown that the most active online investors, the twenty-four hours traders, be given to lose more than than they win. Nevertheless, if you do your research, do careful are reasoned determinations about your investings and keep a balanced portfolio, then online investment can bring forth very acceptable results.

Second, there are those who believe that investment online is particularly advantageous when it come ups to making a violent death on highly profitable initial populace offerings.

When publicly traded companies make a new offering of shares to investors, the terms often lifts sharply in early trading, making them very popular with investors. However, there is almost always a very high demand for these new share offerings and the number of investors who profit from these issues is very small.

Third, many people believe that by investment online they can profit from the fact that their shares are purchased the minute that they put their order.

The minute at which your purchase is actually made however depends upon a number of factors but, in modern times of heavy trading, your purchase can take anything from a matter of proceedings to respective hours to complete. This agency of course of study that the terms shown when you chink the bargain button may well not be the same as the existent purchase terms you stop up paying. There are of course of study systems in topographic point (such as limited orders and stop-loss orders) to counter this effect, but you need to understand the item of the purchasing procedure online if you desire to avoid getting your fingers burnt.

Fourth, there are those who believe that the existent beauty of this word form of investing is that it allows them to merchandise at any hr of the twenty-four hours or night.

While online investing allows you to access your account at any time, and topographic point orders whenever you wish, any orders placed will only be executed during normal market trading hours and, even then, they may be subject to detain in heavy trading periods.

These, and many other, common misconceptions abound in the investment human race and the world is that the internet stands for nil more than the up-to-the-minute bandwagon. It is not, however, the reply to the investor's supplication and it is simply another tool that tin be added to your investing toolbox.

For many, particularly seasoned and experienced investors, online investing makes indeed stand for a very good manner to increase your investment income. To others, and especially to the inexperienced or novitiate investor, online investment needs to be researched carefully before you make up one's mind whether or not it is right for you.

Take your clip and make your homework before jumping on this peculiar bandwagon or your ace highway to luck will rapidly turn into a soil path to ruin.

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Money Is Important - Whether You Agree Or Not

When I speak to people about having multiple income streams, they state why are you so money minded. Having multiple beginnings of income is a subject which is definitely important, to be known and the need understood. How many modern times we have got heard people state the following things:
1. Money, isn't everything. 2. You should be satisfied with whatever money you. 3. Don't be so money minded. 4. I don't care about money. 5. Money is not important. and more than phrases.

Well, with owed importance to their thoughts, money might not be of import for them. But, I surely bet, money is of import to their milkman, money is of import to their landlord, money is of import to their banks if they have got taken loans, money is of import to the individual who throws their mortgage, it is of import when you travel to a hospital. I can travel along giving more than examples. You may not need money but, almost every individual who is connected to you needs money. As a matter of fact, money is of import to any individual life in a civilised city. Please make not seek to beat yourself by knowingly denying its importance. Nothing can take the topographic point of money in the country where it is required. Therefore, to reason that it is not of import is just unlogical and meaningless.

The simple truth of you getting up in the morning time and going to work is because money is important. I come up across people saying, "It’s all about satisfaction and not money". I fully hold if you are doing societal service else you will demo your displeasure immediately. If satisfaction is of import – employers will engage only satisfied employees and not give money. Some people state money is not of import just because they are not able to earn money or they state person with more than money is lucky. Fortune makes drama a function in your financial success, it is never sufficient in and off itself. Some even travel ahead and state too much money is bad.

Money is of import – it is neither good nor bad. It depends on what you make with it. There are no free drives in the world, money is an consequence which is always earned with attempt and hard work. So, adjacent clip you get an chance to earn, travel ahead and make another income stream.

Sunday, August 03, 2008

E-commerce Taxation

The agency and types of businesses have got transformed with coming of epoch of e-commerce, resulting in planetary marketer and buyer. The Internet offers consumer choice, business efficiency and recreation.

As a agency of planetary communicating it is so powerful in operation, yet so simple to use. Coupled by these benefit, there have got got got emerged legal issues e.g. struggle of laws, consumer protection, securities and privacy, etc and to turn to these issues, we have to do amendments in substantial and procedural laws for providing legal model for aggregation of taxes generated by e-commerce activities.

The tax legislative acts have provided us the inside information of beginnings of beginning of income but these change according to the peculiar class of income in question. The critical inquiry for electronic commercialism taxation is how to analogize those transactions to the transactions in conventional commercialism that are addressed in the tax statutes.

The determination of inquiry of issue of territorial legal power is also a important concern in e-commerce taxation. Rather the e-businesses which are falling in Pakistani tax legal power for intents of infliction of taxes or not.

The CBR can tax only Pakistani beginning of trade or business income of foreign people and corps only when such as income is attributable to a "fixed base" but the legal power in cyber space is multi-dimensional, it could be at the abode of the marketer or buyer or information encoding place. These are many slippery inquiries of legal power which our existent tax legislative acts are uneffective to turn to them. We need here to do amendment in our tax legislative act for extension of Pakistani legal power in cyberspace.

The record can be hosting at any jurisdiction, and application of keeping and care of record often originate legal issues which could only be solved according predominant laws of the web hosting state. Legal issues originate when Sellers or services suppliers take to share the information with distant web waiter whose whereabouts is not known.

In current conditions, there is need for the CBR approval for keeping, maintenance, devastation and production of the storage of records electronically in prescribed mode and to have got assurance in the procedures and methodological analysis used to hive away records electronically.

The CBR could simply reserve the powerfulness to promulgate acceptable criteria of electronic record keeping for tax intents and to bring forth these records before tribunal open ups many legal questions. We don't have got any extrinsic resources available for auditing, verifying and authenticating these records. Here we need Reconstruction of legislative act for remotion of insufficiency of tax laws. The engagement demand is useless unless the records are not accessed for the intents of verification.

How to access the e-records hosted at a distant place? Rather the CBR have got the administrative installation to access, verify, authenticate and supply the certified transcripts to tribunal of law of these records. There are many advance devices with gross government in advanced states like computing machine forensic, encoding and limiter bit for accessing these states but our tax legislative acts is soundless on the constitution of these modern devices. What is recommended here that we should do these modern devices the portion of tax legislative act for smooth and efficient running play of tax administration.

Self-assessment trusts on taxpayers voluntarily meeting their tax obligations. The self-assessment environment in the visible light of electronic commercialism is causing the emergence of legal issues of conformity of tax return.

In e-commerce, tax deduction and location of the identity of people behind the e-business is most important issues in tax conformity and electronic cash and e-money is accentuating existent problems. Here we need to redefine our tax legislative act in order to heighten the administrative demand for meeting the statutory inadequacy.

The growth threat of tax evasion, extenuation and turning away is too easy in electronic commercialism engineering and to control this exacerbating problem, the modern engineerings are employed for the intent of eliminating inclinations of turning away but no anti-avoidance devices are used e.g. digital discovery authorities, computing machine forensic and surveillance government etc. These modern fair government are often made portion of the tax disposal for the intent of enhancing their efficiency and reducing tax avoidance.

We have got legged behind in ordinance of e-commerce taxation in the world. We need to retrace our tax legislative act at par with other states within the model defined by the UNICITRAL, the WTO, the OECD and the EU. UNICITRAL have provided the theoretical account laws for member states for turning away of struggle of laws among them.

Saturday, August 02, 2008

Access to E-records by Taxing Authorities: A Case for Pakistan (Part I)

Background issues of access to records

To measure the records at hosted distant retained out of the legal power of Islamic Republic Of Pakistan root many legal issues which are needed to be addressed. Hereinafter there is verbal description of the emerging legal issue of access to e-records.

Lack of statutory commissariat for access to electronic information at distant Server

The access to enter in electronic information is one of most hard issue where record have been kept in distant hosting topographic point which necessitates mandate and permission of the taxpayer and web hosting site.

The statutory proviso of subdivision 25 of the sale tax the phrase ‘electronic data’ have been used to get access to database of the record but no specific direction is available. Look at the subdivision 25 of Sale tax Act 1990

“…A individual who is required to keep any record or written written written written documents under this Act or any other law shall, as and when required by an officer of Sales Tax, bring forth record or documents which are in his ownership or control or in the ownership or control of his agent; and where such as as as record or documents have got got been kept on electronic data, he shall allow access to such officer of Sales Tax and usage of any machine on which such information is kept.”

The item commissariat in subdivision 175 income tax regulation 2002 regarding access to e-records,“In order to implement any proviso of this Regulation (including for the intent of making an audited account of A taxpayer or a study of people apt to tax), the Commissioner or any officer authorised in authorship by the Commissioner for the intents of this subdivision – (a) shall, at all modern times and without anterior notice, have full and free access to any premises, place, accounts, documents or computer;…(d) may, where a hard transcript or computing machine disc of information stored on a computing machine is not made available, attach and reserve the computing machine for as long as is necessary to copy the information required.”

These proviso have reproduced at length of the Income Tax Regulation 2001 for getting access to the e-record but the legislative enactment is itself is silence on the point of record of business which have been conducted by e-commerce, how the computing machine can be accessed by tax officer which have uploaded at distant web server, in visible light of this fact it can be easily concluded that these legislative building are inadequate.

The legislative building are more than hard-and-fast and expressed in defining the right to access of the tax officer for intent of verify of record but as comparison with the Sale Tax Act 1990,where the statutory item is missing.

The subdivision 18 of Central Excise Duties Act 1944 tallies as under, “…Search made under this act or any regulation made there under carried out in conformity with commissariat of the codification of criminal Procedure (V of 1898), relating with regard to search and apprehension made under this code.”
There is also required the Reconstruction of the legislative act of regulation 96 of cardinal duties regulations 1945 regarding the particular process for infliction of cardinal excise tax duties on services.

The Criminal process itself is uneffective before the emerging issue of the e-commerce transactions.

Legality of hacking right

The term "computer hacking" technically defined as the incursion into computing machine systems, which is not done with the intent of manipulation, sabotage or espionage, it could be for the pleasance or confederacy into the technical security computing machine and nett plant system. The individual who perpetrate offense under above mentioned definition is regarded Hacker. Hacker as individual usages the modern scheduling tool or built in software to cause damage to networks. The hacking as procedure of getting access can be used as tool for getting access into computing machine e-database intent of infliction of taxation and record verification. To get access and verify the record being hosting in distant services often necessitates the usage of hacking to get access to records. The usage of hacking as legal tools necessitates usage of hacking soft merchandise with most modern engineering and intends employed to control any equivocation of tax and verify the e- record.

No specific statutory commissariat are available for the defining the authorised hacking rights on the portion of tax officer ground being deficiency usage of modern technologies.

Security and privateness issues of web Hosting sites

In western legal history, the statute law for security and privateness laws was promulgated in earlier 1970s and 1980s concerned the protection of personal rights and privateness in particular. The relevant statute law was enacted to new challenges to privateness by the increasing possibilities of electronic information processing to collect, store, link and transfer personal information in 1990s. The coming of epoch of world wide web the legislative insufficiency was felt and the traditional commissariat for the protection of secretiveness were amendment for providing more than protection to security and privateness of land site and electronic network work for intent of publicity of business and consumer assurance in nett trading. The covered portion of the personality cardinal rights and proved to be far too narrow for a protection against the new dangers of misdemeanor of database of computing machine and networks.

All criminal laws of assorted states have got their historical background of providing penal commissariat for curbing cyber and electronic discourtesies for the protection of secretiveness and security of database of computing machine networks. These commissariat can be establish in the core of criminal laws. Here take of providing little verbal description of these reforms is that these reforms have got created secure environment for online transaction which ultimate supply legal system for aggregation of electronic commercialism taxation. One manner these reform have provided protect to consumer and business concern but the security rights have created so many legal barriers in manner of getting access to waiter database on portion of taxing government for assessing the exactitude of records exhibited for intent of taxing. I am here therefore speaking of an international tax government exercising their ain legal power for exercising their right of taxation. The security and privateness laws clearly demo the common problems of all national tax systems.

These laws in fact provided Unsusceptibility to these land site to let on information related with identity of consumer and businesses which are related to security procedure, no individual or authorization is permitted to inquiry the information alkali or to let on any password, cardinal or other secret information exclusively within his private knowledge of these web system which enables their usage of the security process or advanced electronic signature to claim unsusceptibility against any authorization . There number of tax oasis land sites that come up to contract with supplier for providing complete secretiveness against business records.

The most formidable undertaking is getting access to distant information is the legal shelter being provided by the distant hosting servers. The right to transgress the security right as statutory is not possible in lawsuit of hosting of information at distant server, unless the tax remunerator be compelled to installations the access to e-data.

The legal issues of multi jurisdiction

I have got discussed the territorial legal power at length on chapter on “Jurisdiction”. Here I shall discourse the legal power of taxing government to access the records not available in state jurisdiction. The cross boundary line legal power often leads to multi legal power of assorted states. The most of import legal issue which halter in the manner of execution of statutory right of tax government is to accumulate taxes on cross boundary line e-transaction. This legal inquiry often originate the multi jurisdictional issue which necessitates for just adjudication of tax disputes. Tax legislation, generally, necessitates a taxpayer to maintain books and e-records for a time time period of five old age . On the internet, records of business transactions are being created in electronic word word form and the demand to keep records for tax intents uses to records kept in electronic form for period of give is a hard to do.

The conception of examining computing machine based records, although a specializer audited account country is not new to CBR. There is possible that is likely to witnesser an addition in e-business records being maintained in electronic word form and to fit this growth, adequate number of staff resources and preparation will have got to be devoted to, and invested in, computing machine audited account in the close future. In addition, as a business trading on the internet may not have got a readily identifiable physical presence, it will not always be clear where the basic business records are held. Any individual purpose on being non-compliant tin maintain records in an offshore location. Central board of gross have already been faced with the troubles in just tax conformity when records relevant to a taxable Pakistani activity are kept in an offshore location. The increased globalisation of trade intends that records can be held in many locations around the human race for valid business reasons. The gross authorities’ response have been for its hearers to carry out the audited account of the physical records in the offshore location. It is likely that hearers will have got to confront multi jurisdictional problems in future be able to access off-shore records on the internet. There will be a reduced need for physical visits to land sites where enters are kept.

The gross government already have got not been legally powered to enable it to carry out its audited account mathematical function regardless of the agency by which records are maintained and regardless of location. At present companies trading in Islamic Republic Of Pakistan make not need to physically keep sufficient records in this country to enable their tax place to be established to the satisfaction of the Central board of revenue.

The encoding is a possible technique for computing machine hearers for confirmation of records out of state jurisdiction. Encoding keys can be used for legitimate business intents to continue confidentiality and forestall unauthorised access to sensitive commercial data. In proposing the legal changes concerning the criteria under which enters may be stored electronically, Central Board of Gross should guarantee that it always have access to a agency of decrypting information within taxing legal power irrespective of fact that where the information alkali have been hosted.

Issues of authenticating the unity of business records

As comparison with traditional based methods original records are held in word word form of paper based form. These record have its ain advantages and disadvantage too. With conventional commercialism original records can be examined for the attributes of authenticity and integrity. Since, with e-commerce transactions have got begun, the original written documents are stored in electronic word form which supplies enough chance for tax remunerator to monkey with the records. The development of assurance in physically viewing the masters knowing that they are unchanged is not possible. However, the modern device and software have been developed to check the authenticity and unity of record to place changes to computing machine records but their usage is limited to few advance countries. The gross government of these states specifically utilize accounting software for this purpose. We are entering into epoch where the business concerns are more than feel comfortableness in maintaining their record in electronic form. Many of us in the workplace feel more comfy with paper-based records. But is this comfortableness an illusion? But to inquiry the unity of paper based record can not said unaltered. The paper based records can be altered, lost or falsified but doing same with e-record can be done with relative easy. We are moving into paper based record keeping to electronic word form but our gross government are not familiar with the tools and processes for checking paper records. The employed by private endeavor are more than technologically advance as comparison with our taxing authorities.

Whereas, CBR tools for validating computing machine records are new and, perhaps, less intuitive just because gait of advancement is slower as comparison with private enterprises. The CBR must follow following strategies to defeat the technological spread have created but them and enterprises. First they have got to develop their staff for computing machine auditing because computing machine records have their peculiar specially when are hosted at distant servers. The second measure once the staff have been trained. They should be equipped with more than tools for proof and confirmation of records and finally CBR must advance the care of records in computing machine based word form because it’s easier and effectual assessment.

What matters for the gross government is that businesses more likely to perpetrate tax fraud are identified through right hazard analysis. This makes not depend on the nature of the records as between paper-based and computerized.

In conclusion, gross hearers will necessitate a higher degree of computing machine skilled staff in future to allow accurate reading of computerised records systems. It will also be necessary for gross hearers to have got systems analysis accomplishments to validate the information theoretical accounts for e-business which are to be used in a given accounting environment. This volition also need use records accurately follow transactions through such as systems. The computing machine software industry is aware of possible for loss of audited account trail arising from business being conducted on the internet. As mentioned already, the software industry is developing new techniques to guarantee the unity of electronic records. An illustration of this is a technique called "message digests".

A message digests works by attaching a alone message to an electronic record. Any subsequent change to the record can be traced by comparing the original digest with a newly created digest based on the current state of the information file data. Once again we see an emerging overlap of interest between the public and private sector; both are acute for ecommerce to work well and both human face common problems. The point have been well made that the private sector, particularly the auditing profession, have the same interest as tax hearers in safeguarding the unity of e-commerce records. One country of focusing is the impact of important electronic processing of information on the auditor's ability to trust on substantive, observable grounds in the behavior of an audit.

Friday, August 01, 2008

Compliance of Tax Return in Electronic Commerce Taxation

Emerging Legal issues of Tax conformity of e-business Self-assessment system trusts on taxpayers voluntarily meeting their tax duties by tax payee. This conception is recognised in all tax statutes, which put out taxpayers’ primary election duties to fill up tax tax return on self-assessment, and clearly spells out that taxpayers are required to determine the amount of tax collectible correctly and to pay it on time. Disclosure in this linguistic context is introduced for two chief purposes. First, it is necessary to supply information for audited account selection. Secondly, revelation is relevant for the intents of the suspension of penalties. Taxpayers have got a statutory duty to let on to the Commissioner in a timely and utile manner all information required to be disclosed under the tax laws. Disclosure here covers points specifically required to be disclosed by statute, and points for which revelation is required by the Central Board of Gross Department.

For income tax, under subdivision 26 of sale tax enactment 1990 and 114 of income tax regulation 2001, the sections necessitates a complete statement of the taxable income of the taxpayer for the preceding year, together with such as other specifics as may be prescribed. The department’s revelation outlooks cover any demands put out in a peculiar tax return, in the usher accompanying a peculiar tax return, or matters for which a specific revelation word form is prescribed. In the country of tax tax returns and compliance, electronic commercialism have created new fluctuations on old legal issues as well as new classes of legal issues. These developments necessitate that practical techniques be employed to deal with these technological innovations. These technological developments touching on a broad range of legal issues affecting the filing of tax tax returns to scrutinize selection.

The filing of tax tax return of e-business and furnishing grounds Electronic commercialism is still developing and no electronic money system have yet achieved widespread usage. Nevertheless, it is of import to see these issues now since some issues may necessitate that the needs of filing and providing of tax tax tax returns be considered tax returns of electronic commercialism be modernised while electronic commercialism systems are still under development, and related to issues of the filing of tax tax return of e-business and furnishing grounds be also taken into consideration. Electronic commercialism on the web can actually ease conformity with consumer revelation requirements.

Identity of individual apt to register tax returns A New Yorker cartoon once published two domestic dogs sitting in presence of a computing machine with a symbol on the Internet; cipher cognizes rather they are a domestic dog or any other creature. Tax decision makers confront a similar issue. Under clause (a) subdivision 1 of subdivision 114 of Income tax Regulation 2001 have do it obligatory on every individual and company regarding filing of the tax return,“…subject to this Ordinance, the following people are required to supply a tax tax tax tax tax tax return of income for a tax year, namely (a)Every company and any other individual whose taxable income for the twelvemonth transcends the upper limit amount that is not chargeable to tax under this Regulation for the year;”

Similar type of tax proviso is available in subdivision 26 of Sale Tax Act 1990 have do it obligatory on every individual and company regarding filing of the monthly tax return,“…Every registered individual shall supply not later than the owed day of the month a true and right return in the prescribed word word form to a designated bank specified by the Board, indicating the purchases and the stores made during a tax period, the tax owed and paid and such as as other information, as may be prescribed”

Under subdivision 26AA of Sale Tax Act 1990 have do it obligatory on every individual and company regarding filing of the Retail tax return, “…Every individual required to pay turnover rate tax shall supply a true and right return in the prescribed form to the Office of the Collector having legal power indicating the value of stores made in tax period, the tax paid and such other information as may be prescribed.”

Identification of the political parties to a transaction is a necessary first measure in determining what the tax liability is for the transaction and who is apt for any tax payable. In relation to e-commerce, particular troubles are encountered. Where any business transaction is done through an e-page, the tax government must be technological capable adequate to associate the website with the "real world" physical political parties behind it. An e-page tin easily hide the true identity of the individual benefiting from any business it does.

On the Internet it is too easy to utilize a false identity and it is not currently practicable for tax government to independently verify a party's identity. This raises a number of legal issues because the identity of counterparty is of import for numerous tax provisions. Similarly, unless tax disposals actively look for marks that existing businesses are involved in e-commerce the being of a website and political parties to transaction could stay undetected. Furthermore, websites can quite easily be put up offshore or offshore websites can "front" onshore business. It is imperative for CBR to encourage voluntary revelation of websites used as portion of the merchandising and, possibly, statistical distribution mathematical functions of a business. As a modest first step, tax word forms will need to be changed to inquire about e-commerce and to get information about browsing computer address of e-page of any business merchandising on the internet.

Finally, how the tax tax returns and other written documents are to be attached as provided in tax provisions, I have got disclosed this issue in chapter on “e-record and engagement keeping”. Electronic cash and bank secretiveness The developments in electronic payment systems have got the possible to make "electronic money." Electronic money is a wide term, and just as electronic money systems differ in their technical characteristics and it is also differ in the extent to which they make legal issues for tax returns. Depending on the type of system used, electronic money can caused assorted obstructions in manner of conformity and it have an advantage or a disadvantage for aggregation of taxation. The usage of electronic cash as a agency of transacting internet business have been legalized by assorted state as an acceptable option to credit card payments.

“The usage of digital or electronic cash in e-commerce transactions could lead to troubles for Gross auditors. Gross hearers have got traditionally had to cope with the deficiency of controls associated with the cash economy. The increasing edification of business transactions and the development of a assortment of payment methods have got got meant that cash payments have go a diminishing characteristic of business transactions.” The electronic money presents serious menace to a tax equivocation potentiality comparative to that created by paper money. This raises the issue of whether the equivocation potentiality is manageable and what must be done to manage it. It is possible that the techniques that have got been developed over clip to battle tax equivocation using paper money may not be feasible armed combat equivocation through electronic money. The Electronic money have made easy to lodge unreported income in a bank or other financial establishment with fraction of time.

As a consequence of electronic money's installation in transmitting large amounts of money with relative easiness across the border, combined with the continued usage of e-cash, the legal issues of an belowground and unaccounted economic system is likely to be exacerbated. Electronic money and the Internet substantially have increased the chances to open up bank accounts, letterbox companies and trust accounts can be established abroad with relative easiness and safety, and money can be transmitted anonymously. Such accounts are, of course, causing providing chance for tax equivocation of home state by taking seaport in zero tax states.

Verification of identity and attached written written documents Confirmation of identity is also a problem for tax authorities, who desire to be assured that the people with whom they make business are who they claim to be . As a result, companies engaged in electronic commercialism are developing "digital certificates" or "digital IDs" that tin be used to verify a person's identity over the Internet ; and “Digital certificates" are issued by a trusted legal intermediary government who verifies the identity and documents of a tax remunerator and executes appropriate background checks, depending on the degree of self-assurance to be granted. The simplest degree confirmation granted by these is that an e-mail message was sent from an indicated address. The adjacent degree verifies the digital Idaho holder through online identity confirmation against a consumer database when clip and topographic point of e-transaction conducted by purchasers. The highest degree confirmation is that the holder personally looks before a notary populace public to have got a digital Idaho application notarized of digital written document grounds after converting into paper alkali form. Once a person's identity have been verified, the certification is created using public key encoding techniques, which do it independently verifiable by the receiver and Immune from tampering it.

Providing grounds of record Under clause (a), (b) (c) (d) subdivision 2 of subdivision 114 of Income tax Regulation 2001 have do it obligatory on every individual and company regarding providing grounds of the records,

“…A tax return of income (a) shall be in the prescribed form; (b) shall say the information required by the form, including a declaration of the records kept by the taxpayer; (c) in the lawsuit of a individual carrying on a business, shall include an income statement, balance sheet, and any other written document as may be prescribed for the tax year; and (d) shall be signed by the individual or the person’s representative.”

The proof of the inside information of any business transaction necessitates an ability to follow a similar audited account trail as that which bes for conventional commerce. The following elements must therefore be present- access to the basic records related to a transaction must be available; and the unity of those records must be authenticated. Taxpayers are required to maintain accurate books and records , which are subject to scrutiny by the income tax government in order to verify the income and disbursals reported on the taxpayer's return.

“Although many taxpayers trust on computerised record keeping systems to a large extent, many transactions still arise as paper records which can be used to verify the truth of the electronic records. However, for taxpayers engaged in the sale of electronic commodity or services, no paper records are likely to be created because client orders are placed and fulfilled electronically and therefore the lone record that bes of these transactions could be an electronic one. As all users of computing machines know, this makes the possibility for tax equivocation and fraud because computerised records can be altered without a trace.”

The "digital notarization" have been introduced in much state. This system have got been developed which are intended to do it possible to verify that electronic written documents and records have not been altered. Populace key encoding scientific technique also allows a taxpayer to encrypt his financial records to forestall their scrutiny on audited account for equivocation of taxation . It would look that this should be treated no differently from failing to maintain or destroying e-records because it is possible to change or destruct it within fraction of time. Even taxpayers engaged in the sale of physical, as opposing to electronic, commodity may soon have orders and issue bills electronically. Electronic "documents" must be verifiable by scientific legal government in order to minimise the possible for tax evasion.

Getting extrinsic assistance in statutory building The following extrinsic assistance can help us to hard-on of the legislative construction.

Existing commissariat of tax returns

There is no existent tax proviso for the tax conformity of e-business of every individual and company whose taxable income for the twelvemonth transcends the upper limit amount that is not chargeable to tax under this Regulation for the twelvemonth ;” Like income tax tax tax returns similar tax proviso are available in sale tax and also in cardinal excise tax duties

Defining evidential parameters

How we can keep record and production of record can be placed before the tribunal for adjudication of taxes disputes. I urge that such as a reappraisal should be undertaken at the same clip as the reappraisal of tax return filing obligations. I also see that if record-keeping demands are increased, taxpayers should have some instruction on the necessity for those requirements. To assist in this matter, that is also noted that it would be eminently worthwhile to encourage taxpayers on their ain enterprise to keep e-record relevant information considered by them in adopting a peculiar tax position.

Proposals for legislative construction

I urges that subdivision 114 of income tax regulation 2001 and subdivision 26 of sale tax enactment 1990, which says that taxpayers must let on to the Commissioner in a timely and utile manner all information required to be disclosed under the tax laws, should be amended to place the different classes of required disclosures: information specifically required by statute, information required by the section in a prescribed form, and information requested by the section from specific taxpayers.

Generally, apart from required disclosures, taxpayers are not obliged to let on information, but anything that is disclosed must not be misleading. Sanctions may be imposed for deliberately misleading disclosures, and taxpayers unfastened themselves up to the hazard that a deliberately misleading revelation could suggest tax equivocation on their part. Purpose to hedge may also be inferred from a failure to let on relevant information regarding e-commerce transaction to the tax authorities. The hazard also originates that defaults of this nature may prevent the application of a clip bar.

E- filing of tax returns

No online e-filing of the tax tax return have yet been introduced in Pakistan. This modern device are used to encourage e-filing of tax tax tax tax returns in other words online tax returns but there are many problems are associated with e-filing of the tax returns. The electronic filing of the tax tax tax returns supply room for unauthorised users and unknown individual filing of tax returns and attachment of written documents as grounds often make more than problems instead of increasing tax conformity bend over of the taxpayers.

Even for required disclosures, some existent issues arise, including the manner in which the duties to let on are affected by e-filing procedures, and the usage of e-filing under self-assessment. It is sufficient that the information is on the taxpayer’s ain data files and available for scrutiny by the department. This acceptance go forths open, however, whether, and to what extent, handiness must be within a sensible propinquity to the taxpayer’s ain tax-file. Clearly, that taxpayers and their advisors see they may have got got to move in this manner is unsatisfactory, as it overcomes the benefits in efficiency contemplated by self assessment-filing.

Amending tax Statutes

My recommendations are that the phrase ‘prescribed form’ defined in sale tax, need further hard-and-fast building by additional statutory clauses defining the types of prescribed word forms that have been made available for the taxpayer for filing of their tax returns. The similar hard-and-fast building of legislative move is required in Income Tax Regulation 2001 by specifically defining the methods of filing returns.


It here concluded that Central Board of Gross should set up and direct out to taxpayers guiding leaflet, or where appropriate their agents, word forms which usher them through their cardinal tax activities, and also act as a record for audited account purposes. In forwarding the word forms to taxpayers, the authorities must retrace the existent tax legislative acts to put the electronic taxable activities in consistent with above mentioned recommendations.