Accepting online payments

Thursday, August 21, 2008

The Cost of Not Having Money

The self-esteem factor of not having adequate money is underestimated. You cognize what I intend don’t you? The torment of financially struggling and the rapture of financial copiousness are dramatically different minutes in a person’s life. And I for one would take the copiousness over the struggling any day.

A peculiar emotional challenge structured settlement and rente receivers confront is the quandary of having money but not having access to it. You have got money coming to you but it is out of reach. The irritation of such as a state of affairs would be exacerbated by a time period of financial stress. Imagine if you were going to lose your home, and you have got $300,000 approaching to you over the adjacent 20 years, but you can’t access that future money to ran into your contiguous needs.

Financial emphasis can be the accelerator of a downward spiral. Depression, addiction, isolation, are just a few of the violent storms spawned by the weight of financial burden. Instead of being dragged down, happen help, happen an reply to your money concerns, happen a manner to get out from under the weight of money worry. Professional counseling in both the mental wellness and financial strategies countries of your life could get you on the healthy and happy track.

If necessary, there are ways to cash out rentes and cash in on future payments. There are settlement companies that have got the agency and legal experience to accelerate your payout for a lump sum of money of cash now. Exercise cautiousness and seek legal and financial advice when dealing with these 3rd political party settlement companies. The cost of getting an advance on future payments can be exorbitant. But the emotional cost of not getting aid when you are struggling financially can be even more than costly.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The Key to Building Wealth

Many people today believe in order to become wealthy they either have to be born into wealth or have a lot of money to make money. The fact is this just isn’t true. Building wealth is a mechanical process and because it’s so simple it’s quite boring, therefore many people do not follow through with the formula.

The Problem

Too many people fall into a financial rut and it usually starts when we begin moving money from one credit card to another. Sure this works for a short while, but eventually it catches up with you and before you know it you have $5000 maxed out on your VISA card and $3000 maxed out on your Discover card.

The next genius move I consider was debt consolidation. While this does work and the phone calls will stop, it’s not a solution for the problem at hand. Your monthly payments become lower and this provides the temptation to go out and accumulate even more debt, eventually taking you back to square one. Not to mention having a history with debt consolidation leads to higher rates on things that count later in life.

Back at square one, the next step I considered was debt counseling and the idea sounded great, they even promised to lower my monthly payments by $300. I managed to avoid this one all together and now that I look back I am glad that I did. What I later found out is that debt counseling is viewed as bankruptcy.

By this time I decided to refinance my home with an equity line/2nd Mortgage loan on my home to get out of debt and it worked perfectly. However, let me tell you a little secret. When you take out a 120k loan on a home that is only worth 90k and the neighborhood starts going downhill like ours did, you cannot sell your home for what its worth. Again, we were stuck in rut where we had to borrow money from family to sell our home. Other home owners in the area were not as fortunate.

At this point in time I was seriously considering bankruptcy. If you think that after seven years nobody will know about your bankruptcy, you are mistaken. In some cases jobs won’t even higher you if you ever had a bankruptcy. Most loan applications ask if you have ever filed for bankruptcy and they do take that into account even if it has been 10 years since you filed for bankruptcy. This is when I became desperate and finally cracked the money making formula.

The Solution

In 2005 I made a new years resolution to stop spending money on things that required me to make a monthly payment. Instead, I would take my paycheck and spend it on assets, or things that put money into my pocket month after month. I like to call these assets investment vehicles. It does not matter which types of investments you choose, just as long as they are all leading to the same place financially.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Self-Employment-Managing Your Money: Tips for Living with a Fluctuating Cash Flow (Part Two)

Continued from Part One:

Self-Employment-Managing your Money ...
The manner you manage your money is one of the first things you'll change when you travel from employment to self-employment.

You are moving from an environment where you received income in equal amounts at set time intervals to one where your income fluctuates.

Managing money in such as fortune is both unfamiliar and uncomfortable for most of us.

These are some tips I developed from my experience of 10+ old age of self-employment.


Enter the land of self-employment and you come in the land of quarterly estimated taxes.

You pay estimated income taxes because the Government states you must. Since you no longer have got got an employer to keep back income taxes, the tax government desire to make certain that you pay up.

One manner to do certain you have money in-hand astatine the appointed clip is to mime what your employer used to do for you. Take a part of money you have and set it away. My solution is to set it into a separate nest egg account.

By keeping the money separate, you are less tempted to pass it. Then at tax, time, simply transfer it into your checking account and compose the check.

It is less painful this way.

Having a method to manage tax payments is most of import around April 15 when annual taxes from the former twelvemonth and first one-fourth estimations for the new twelvemonth come up owed on the same day.


Banks charge interest when they impart money. Very small businesses and self-employed people

generally don’t. And if they do, they rarely collect. It is hard to put down the law to slow-pay clients much larger than you and clients who give you a batch of business.

In fact some businesses do it a policy to pay their creditors slowly. They utilize your money, interest free, at your expense.

Slow-pay and no-pay clients cost you money and messiness up your cash flow.

The topic of aggregations is worthy of a separate article – Oregon book, in itself. But here are a couple of pointers.

Ask to be paid up presence when possible. It’s done all of the time. Contractors get sedimentations and lawyers get retainers.

One piece of conventional wisdom is to have got a policy to manage late payments. Set up a system to journal your outstanding invoices. Then follow up at scheduled time intervals as needed. Keep a paper trail in lawsuit you have got to take things further.

Stay on top of delinquent Billings and maintain lines of communicating unfastened with the client. The longer a debt stays outstanding, the less likely you’ll get paid.

The squeaky wheel gets the grease. Be squeaky.


Credit card debt can be a killer. Calling the interest rate degrees charged on many cards ‘usury’ is not an overstatement. If you have got credit card debt, wage it off as quickly as possible.

Nonetheless, credit cards are a necessity in this twenty-four hours and age. When you are on the right side of the credit card companies, credit cards can be a benefit.

You can track disbursals by putting it on your card. That tin be a existent aid when you have got a batch of junior-grade tax deductible disbursals that add up over the course of study of a year.

If you utilize your card for this purpose, be certain you pay off your balance every month.


For self-employed people, having a financial shock absorber is essential. It is a lifesaver when unexpected disbursals come up up, or expected income is slow to materialize. In addition, you may desire to sock away finances for expected large disbursals such as as estimated tax payments.

If you can’t swing it in the beginning, construct your shock absorber gradually. Put away money when modern times are good. Live lightly when modern times are not.

You‘ll happen managing your money while being self-employed will get easier over time. You will get to cognize your cash flow patterns and set accordingly. As your business turns it will convey in more than than money, which itself, makes a batch to do you more comfortable.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Investing Online Has Its Rewards: Find Out How To Take Advantage Of Them

Computerized investing. Online investing. Rich Person you taken the adjacent measure yet? These old age among savvy investors, online investing resources are synonymous with opportunity.

The capablenesses that we currently have got at our fingertips were unavailable just 10 years ago. The velocity at which you can put with an online broker, along with easiness of usage (you can merchandise in your underwear), do traditional local brokers look obsolete.

More and more than people are taking to “active investing” rather than just sticking money in common finances recommended by their advisors. This agency atypical investors are now taking active functions in their portfolios and seeing greater returns, if they cognize what they are doing.

In order to go an active investor, you must cognize what you are doing. It is your money we are talking about here. The thing is, once you cognize that there are ways to nett up to 18%+ go backs on investings that are hardly more than risky than what most people see safe today (mutual funds, diversification), you can hardly dwell with yourself by leaving your money in a “safe” 4% fund.

I work with people to change their percepts about what is possible with investment today. The tools available online for investors are simply unbelievable when you believe about the fact that investing intelligence and the up-to-the-minute tendencies would have got to wait to attain you until they were printed and flown to whatever portion of the country you dwell in.

Now you can track and trade and get your intelligence up to the minute with online investment resources, many of which are free to use. This is turning former passive voice bargainers into active bargainers over night.

There are dangers though, and they all have got to make with education. Lack of experience can get you into a whole batch of problems, putting your money and retirement at risk.

But a relatively small spot of instruction can take you set you never thought possible financially.

So if you are ready to open up those doors and get out of the 2%-4% stagnation you need two things:

1)The instruction to go a good active investor

2)The right tools to do your occupation easy and fun, with as small as 2 hours per hebdomad investing

I have got put together a free resource for people wanting to learn more than about the tools of online investors. Http:// will get you started.

But you will also need instruction to protect you from the errors that a batch of first-time active investors make. And for that education, you can check out my book called “Scientific Wealth Strategies.”

I warrant that once you get started with active investment and you begin to see tax returns over 10%, you are going to get aquiline like so many others who have got go active traders.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Residual Income - Part Three Finding Leaders

In my last article on Creating Residual Income I mentioned that employees are a pain.

That wasn't completely accurate. To be more accurate I should have said, "MOST employees are a pain."

In addition to the "regular" problems of payroll, sick time, legal issues, etc., there is the bigger issue that EMPLOYEES ARE LOOKING OUT FOR THEMSELVES, NOT FOR YOU.

Which means they need constant supervision and encouragement to make you the largest amount of money possible. It's just the way it is.

But there is a better way...

I went to college selling vacuum cleaners door-to-door. Yup, door-to-door. I didn't do it because I always enjoyed it-- sometimes it was raining or cold or BOTH--I did it because of this wonderful little thing called COMMISSION.

Every time I sold a vacuum cleaner I got paid $120. Not bad for a college student in 1982. Most weeks I sold 2, some weeks 3. Part-time, maybe 20 hours a week.

I knew I had the skills, and I was motivated by the money. No one had to tell me to work. No one had to tell me to not spend my day sitting in a coffee shop. The only way I made money was to sell, so that's what I did.

What would it mean to your online business if you had super motivated people selling your products or services? People who ALREADY KNEW how to sell? People who ALREADY had built a loyal following of visitors and subscribers?

Let me tell you: Just one of those people will sell more products for you than 100 "regular" people. And they will do it with half the time commitment on your part.

In the online business we call them SUPER AFFILIATES.

Recruit enough of these SUPER AFFILIATES and you can retire.

But what if you don't have your own product or service to sell?

This can be even easier...but I will save that for my next article.

In the mean time I have put together a page with four tools anyone can use to find these PRICELESS individuals. One of them is so OBVIOUS you will be amazed you didn't think of it of the others is so POWERFUL I was able to identify 127 super affiliates for my own site in just 10 minutes.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

A Look at the Origins of Online Lending

You might happen yourself wondering about the beginnings of online lending, and how it have got go the major industry that it have evolved into during recent years.

The beginnings of online lending have evolved from criterion lending patterns combined with the increased easiness and convenience of using the internet for a assortment of purposes.

Before you can really understand the beginnings of online lending, though, you need to take a few minutes to understand the standard banking patterns that it evolved from and how internet connectivity have helped lending to turn from banks and finance companies to online services that allow you to research and apply for loans in the convenience of your ain home.

Lending before the internet

The beginnings of online lending get before the word “online” had much of a significance at all. Before the coming of the internet, and before the “personal computer” was even really conceived, personal banking and lending was much different than it is today.

Loan applications would take respective years or hebdomads to be considered, and respective banks in an country might share one or two loan officers who had to travel from bank to bank… significance that there were only certain years on which you could apply for the loan that you desired.

Keeping path of loan payments could also be a hassle, and errors weren't uncommon and often resulted in either overpayment or late fees.

Computers improving communicating between banks

Once personal computer science became a reality, the beginnings of online lending truly begin. It didn't take long for banks to recognize that these computing machine science machines could be set to utilize making both banking and recordkeeping much easier… bank systems could link via modem and telnet in order to share information, and the records of account holders and borrowers could be accessed much more than than quickly from a computing machine database.

Of course, early computing was quite simple by today's standards, and errors did happen… but the convenience of the computer systems and the gradual addition in their dependability often made up for the drawbacks and enabled banks to increase both productiveness and the easiness of the lending process.

Internet banking

Following the beginnings of online lending, simple webs such as as those that banks and other businesses used to link with each other eventually gave birth to the human race broad web of the internet.

As websites for merchandises and businesses became more common, banks slowly but surely began to publicize their services and characteristics via some of these websites.

As internet engineerings increased, many of these banks began offering fundamental account access and other services via their websites so as to remain ahead of their competition… frankincense was born internet banking.

As engineering continued to grow, so did the services offered by banks online; full account access, banking inquiries, and loan applications all developed as the ability to implement them was created.

Online lending

From the low beginnings of online lending grew a huge worldwide industry. Lending companies developed that were completely separate from criterion banks… with the lower operating expense of operating a website when compared to that of running a bank, they are often able to offer competitory if not lower interest rates and can process loan applications and transfer finances faster than many standard banks and finance companies.

Of course, even with the current convenience of online lending services the hereafter may throw further comforts and services as internet and computer science engineerings go on to develop and evolve… significance that online lending will most likely go on to turn in popularity and will be able to offer more than than and more services to clients at competitory rates and sensible terms.

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Friday, August 08, 2008

A Guide to Cheap Loans Online

Looking for cheap loans online can sometimes be a taxing process… between not knowing exactly where to look and wondering what's required in order to get cheap loans online, you might happen yourself wondering if you're not better off taking a higher interest rate at a traditional bank or finance company.

You shouldn't allow the emphasis of determination cheap loans online get you down, though… it's actually a much more than simple procedure than you think. All that it takes is a small spot of clip dedicated to researching online lending and determination the right lender with which to apply for cheap loans online.

Finding the Right Lender

To get your search for cheap loans online, you should execute an internet search to happen lenders that offer the type of loan that you're seeking.

You might happen a assortment of lenders who can provide to your specific loan need, or you might not happen any… if that's the case, then your best stake is to either widen your search or contact assorted online lenders individually to see which of their cheap loans online would best lawsuit your loan needs.

Taking the clip to happen different lending options can assist you to avoid the lender you take not offering a loan that rans into your specific needs.

Securing the Loan

Once you've establish a few land sites that offer cheap loans online, you need to get thought about collateral that volition secure the loan and warrant repayment for the online lender.

Some online lenders will allow a large assortment of collateral options, whereas others offer loans for specific points (such as automobiles) and the purchased point itself moves as collateral.

Many online lenders offer their loans using home equity as collateral; not only is it easy to work with and get the value of, but equity can often be dealt with as paperwork and electronic transmissions without the need of appraising the collateral.

Loan Repayment

Once you've chosen from the available cheap loans online, some concern must be taken toward repaying the loan.

Online lenders will take your employment and pay rate into account before they issue the loan, and you need to do certain that your payments are made on clip to avoid the hazard of repossession of your collateral.

If you manage your finances and disbursement and take care to do payments on time, though, there is never any danger… and with the direct backdown options that many online lenders utilize, there isn't much of a danger so long as you do certain to lodge the loan amount into your chequing or nest egg account before the scheduled backdown day of the calendar month each month.

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