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Thursday, April 12, 2007

Make Money on eBay - Use Your eBay Store for Add-On Sales

Make money on eBay by opening an eBay Store. That eBay Store can create add-on sales to auction items that you have just sold. Buyers who are looking to save on shipping costs will visit your eBay Store to see if there just might be others items of interest for them to purchase prior to you shipping their auction item.

The secret to using this method to make money on eBay is to ensure that your eBay Store is well-stocked with items that are related to your auction sale items. While non-related items will sell, the buyer has already made a product purchase from you in that specific niche and is therefore much more likely to add on related items. The auction buyer has developed some trust in you and your products, so you are one step closer to the goal to make money on eBay.

Be sure that you refer buyers to your eBay Store. Once they know that you have a store they will frequently visit it not only immediately after making auction purchases but also whenever they need products similar to those that you sell. Sales to repeat customers are one of the keys to your success as you start to make money on eBay.

Expect one of the buyer's first questions to be whether you are willing to combine items for shipment if they do make an add-on purchase from your eBay Store. Next the buyer will ask questions about reduced freight charges for the extra purchase. By combining the purchases together for shipment you make money on eBay and the buyer saves money on shipping. It is a true win-win situation. Give it a try.

To your eBay success!

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