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Friday, March 28, 2008

Timing Your Trades

Timing is everything. You've heard it a million times. It's a worn-out, over-used cliche that haps to be true. No matter what you're up against, timing is everything. If you're a hereafters or stock trader, timing is the lone thing between you and the poor house.

It's a statistical certainty that if you play a zero-sum crippled with limitless downside hazard long enough, you will lose everything you own. The number of bargainers that don't understand or disregard that fact amazes me. If the above is intelligence to you, then aftermath up and odor the java my friend, because you might very well be a railroad train wreck waiting to happen.

Timing is not just simply buying low and merchandising high. It's not just jumping on or off at the most opportune moment. The most of import component of timing is to understand and get by with the continuance of your trade. That is, the time-frame inch which your trade maturates and develops.

System bargainers using technical or cardinal indexes analyse information looking for entry and issue signals. Once an entry signaling have been acted upon and a trade entered, one generally waits for an issue signal. Only three things can go on to a trade at this point:
1) It flat-lines and terms travels nowhere;
2) Price additions and we have got got a paper-profit; or
3) Price diminishes and we have a paper-loss.

That's it! Only three! Now if any 1 of the above have occurred in a clip framework that you can't explain, you're trading strategy is fundamentally flawed. And, more than importantly, it's only pure dense fortune that's keeping you from going bust and then some. If this uses to you and your trade, get out now.

Not only must you understand when to get in and out, you must have got a clear and profound apprehension of how long it should take to ran into your trading goals. The longer you are in a trade, the greater the hazard you are exposed to even if terms makes nothing. Remember, if you remain in indefinitely, you will lose. It's not if, but when!

The adjacent clip you make up one's mind to leap into the market, cognize full well how long you be after to pass in that market. The planned continuance of your trade is directly correlated with the hazard you are assuming. Anything outside that time-frame intends you must reevaluate your place and enactment decisively. As it turns out, my friend, timing is more than than everything: It's the lone thing!


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