Accepting online payments

Monday, July 21, 2008

Who Wants To be A Millionaire?

How many people search Google, Yokel and MSN each twenty-four hours for the terms - do fast money online, get rich quick, or do money online? Or how about Who desires to be a millionaire?

Thousands! Thousands upon thousands, each and every day.

I inquire why?

Well, I’ll allow you in on a spot of personal material here. When I bought my first computing machine 5 old age ago, the first word I typed into a search box was money … yep, that’s all, just “money”… and in Google search, there are 230,000,000 consequences - (that’s 230 million)

And so began my geographic expedition of 10s of thousands of money making websites on investing schemes, scams, frauds, HYIP’s, bank debentures, loan programs and, well, you name it… if it’s out there, I’ve establish it, and likely tested it.

Occasionally I made some money, but more than often I lost. However, I have got never once complained about losing money to a HYIP. I was brought up in a gaming family, and I learnt to chance at a immature age. In fact I’ve made a life out of betting on horses and domestic dogs from clip to time.

Since being online I’ve learnt to recognise a scam. It’s not easy, and the people who develop and advance them get more than sophisticated every year.

One of the craziest online money games I took portion in was called E-Biz Ventures or e-bizz. You gave them your E-Gold, and 4 day’s later they gave it back to you plus 100%… yeppers, that was fast money, they doubled it in 4 days. And this went on from sometime in late September 2000 until just 2 day’s before Christmastide the same year. It lasted three months.

Three calendar calendar months of doubling investings every 4 day’s Oregon so. And this all took topographic point virtually without a glitch. It states as much for e-gold’s automation as anything else.

By early December there were Audio chatrooms filled to capacity 24 hours a day, with people telling their story, answering questions, helping new people get started, all the piece drive the frenzy… then the government stepped in and arrested the geezer running the show. It have been estimated that there was over $10 million rotating through E-Gold every 5 to 6 years by that time.

If you wanted to get involved in E-Biz, the most of import individual in your life was an E-currency Merchant… A market maker.

E-currency merchants convert your hard currency, like Dollars and Euro's, into E-currency’s like E-Gold, eBullion, Netpay and Intgold. These people are the middle-men World Health Organization monetary fund your e-currency accounts for you, so you can take portion in online commercialism without a credit card. If you desire to set $100 into your E-Gold account, you give them about $105. They put $100 worthy of e-currency into your account, and bull the $5 for their effort.

Likewise, if you desire to cash out of your e-currency account, you give the e-currency merchant about $102 worth of E-Gold, e-Bullion Oregon whatever, and he cut’s A check for you for $100, keeping $2 for himself… sol he made money both way’s. About 7% on a unit of ammunition trip in and out of your e-currency account. If you were using a credit card to fund your account, they charge around 15%!

OK now… how would you like to get a spot of that action?

Well you can… but it’s not easy, unless you have got person to lead you through your first few trades.

The e-currency exchange seminar is specifically designed to learn you how to get started and take you through procedure from start to finish… and you can get a share of this unbelievable business from as small as $50. Not much huh? But conceive of doubling that $50 every few months, with no hazard of losing it.


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